Harnessing Lightning Strikes

Lightning EnergyHarnessing Lightning Strikes Lightning Electricity Production Environmental Benefits Technical Summary “DID YOU KNOW”? ENERGY SOURCE ISSUESHarvesting Lightning Energy Challenges The ever-changing energy involved in each lightning bolt. Lightning is sporadic, therefore energy would have to be collected and stored. Difficult to convert high-voltage electrical power to the lower-volatage that can be stored. Impossibility of [...]
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Lightning Electricity Production

Lightning EnergyHarnessing Lightning Strikes Lightning Electricity Production Environmental Benefits Technical Summary “DID YOU KNOW”? LIGHTNING ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION FROM CAPACITOR TO HOUSEHOLDS OR CARS One embodiment of transformation of lightning energy from the sky to the electrical grid, is the use of Super Capacitors in the electrical grid substations proximate high voltage assets like transformers to [...]
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Environmental Benefits

Lightning EnergyHarnessing Lightning Strikes Lightning Electricity Production Environmental Benefits Technical Summary “DID YOU KNOW”? ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Lightning of itself emits Nitrogen into the atmosphere, and Nitrogen is good for trees and plants. So generating lightning by seeding the atmosphere with ionized gas (plasma) actually helps the environment by helping rain forests thrive. As the equator [...]
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Technical Summary

Lightning EnergyHarnessing Lightning Strikes Lightning Electricity Production Environmental Benefits Technical Summary “DID YOU KNOW”? LIGHTNING FARM ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM Method of Capturing Electrical Energy from Lightning and New Method of Generating Electricity One contemplated embodiment of a lightning farm energy storage system comprises: A plurality of embedded parallel capacitors having alternating layers of conductors and [...]
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Did You Know?That world-wide, there are over 1.4 billion lightning strikes per year; about 25 per cent of those are actually ground strikes, while most (75 per cent) are intra-cloud and cloud-to-cloud strikes (as far as 30 miles apart) Did You Know?That lightning can be attracted within a 30 mile radius and then directed and [...]
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